Size submit button text html
Size submit button text html

size submit button text html

While the MAXLENGTH attribute can be an effective guide to the user, authors should not depend on the enforcement of a maximum number of characters by the client. The SIZE and MAXLENGTH attributes suggest the number of characters and maximum number of characters, respectively, of the text field. The VALUE attribute specifies the initial value for the text field. The default TYPE is text, which provides a single-line text input field. The type of form control defined by INPUT is given by the TYPE attribute. The value sent depends on the type of form control and on the user's input. The INPUT element's NAME attribute provides the name used. When a form is submitted, the current value of each INPUT element within the FORM is sent to the server as name/value pairs. x will not display any INPUT elements outside of a FORM. However, old browsers such as Netscape 4. While INPUT is most useful within a FORM, HTML 4 allows INPUT in any block-level or inline element other than BUTTON. The INPUT element defines a form control for the user to enter input.

  • ONCHANGE= Script (element value changed)īlock-level elements, inline elements except BUTTON.
  • ONSELECT= Script (element text selected).
  • ONFOCUS= Script (element received focus).
  • size submit button text html

  • TABINDEX= Number (position in tabbing order).
  • ACCEPT= ContentTypes (media types for file upload).
  • ALT= CDATA (alternate text for image input).
  • MAXLENGTH= Number (maximum number of characters for text input).
  • SIZE= CDATA (suggested number of characters for text input).
  • CHECKED (check radio button or checkbox).
  • INPUT - Form Input INPUT - Form Input Syntax

    Size submit button text html